Aug 022013
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get fast results

I hear this quite often, “I don’t know why I’m not seeing results.  I’ve been doing the same thing over and over, and still not seeing anything change.”

Well, I would first applaud your consistency.  I’m all about getting results, and getting them fast.  Even the smallest successes can mean a lot to an individual.

We are always after results and as patient as we can be at times, we still want them sooner than later.  When it comes to the gym, I’m not only thinking about my strength numbers or muscle growth, but also about how I’m feeling during that particular workout.  If I feel better than the other day, I would think about what exactly did I do that made the difference.

I expect results every day.  You must get better every day.

So you want to see results right? 

The ultimate reason you’re not seeing results can be summed in a quote I came across:

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. -Albert Einstein

Patience can really last only so long.  You can be in the mindset of waiting with expectancy, but like I said I’m about getting results and I’m sure you are too.

When it comes to fitness, business, relationship, and overall life goals.  You can’t be afraid to do something different even if it means you need to get out of your comfort zone.  John C. Maxwell said, “If we are growing, we are always going to be outside of our comfort zone.”

This is where you can help me to grow and get out of my comfort zone in order to share The Aipa Project with more people.  Would adding videos of me answering fitness, health, and lifestyle questions be of any interest to you?

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!

Mahalo. Aloha.  A hui hou!

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