Aipa’s 6 Rules For Aloha

 Posted by on 03/08/2013
Mar 082013
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Hawaiian sunrise

It’s Aloha Friday, and I think we need more Aloha in our lives.  It’s one of my lifetime Projects, to share as much Aloha as possible and influence other to live Aloha as well.  So let’s kick off the Aloha movement with my 6 Rules for Aloha.  Follow these 6 Rules and you will be on your way towards making an impact on your own life as well as those around you.  Let’s do this…

Aipa’s 6 Rules For Aloha

1.  Be Happy.  In order to give Aloha you have to be a happy person.  When people think of you, you want them to say - You know, he/she is a happy person.  If you aren’t happy with yourself, you won’t be able to make others happy.

2.  Be Positive.  Now we are all human and it’s very hard to be positive ALL the time.  But you can still be positive MOST of the time.. Too many people focus on the negatives rather than the positives.  Some circumstances and situations are out of your control, how you allow them to affect you is totally your own decision.

3.  Be You.  You can’t be positive or happy if you can’t be yourself, and I mean your authentic self.  I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I think it would be awesome if my life was a musical.  Sometimes while I’m coaching a training session I start laughing at myself because I start picturing the athletes bursting out into song.  Cracks me up every time.

4.  Give back to the community. To live is to give.  The best thing we can offer is our time.  Take a weekend to volunteer and interact with a group who wants to serve their community.  It will not only uplift your own spirit but will also allow you to have a positive impact on the community.

5.  Smile.  You can’t smile and not feel a surge of positive energy.  I learned through reading Guy Kawasaki’s book, Enchanted, that the perfect smile is a Duchenne Smile.  It’s when the smile involves the contraction of both the zygomatic major muscle and orbicularis oculi muscle.  In simpler terms, the corners of the mouth raise, which raises the cheeks that forms crow’s feet around the eyes.

Duchenne Smile by Guy Kawasaki

Duchenne Smile by Guy Kawasaki

6.  Show compassion.  Be empathetic towards others and show kindness to the people you love, meet, and mistreat you. Mahatma Ghandi said, “Compassion is a muscle that gets stronger with use.”  When ever we do an act of kindness we instantly feel better about ourselves.  By being compassionate we are able to make ourselves happier and everyone around us happier as well.

Mahalo. Aloha. A hui hou.

  2 Responses to “Aipa’s 6 Rules For Aloha”

  1. I’m feeling GREAT already. Right on Aipa….

  2. Right on Mike, thanks for reading and the support. Aloha

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