TED Talks: Food for the Soul

 Posted by on 12/07/2012
Dec 072012
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TED Talks are awesome and I highly recommend you start checking them out.

I love listening to great ideas and visions. It’s like food for my soul.

You should constantly feed yourself with motivation, inspiration, and positivity.  There is so much negativity in the world.  The news is filled with nothing but bad news.  In the workplace you may be surrounded by people who aren’t happy with their jobs or with what they are doing. You may have friends who you feel aren’t going anywhere in life and you believe you have so much to offer.

That is why I feel it is so important to not only surround yourself with positive and driven people – but to also feed yourself mentally and spiritually with positivity.

It’s become a habit of mine to constantly read, listen, and watch anything that deals with all things positive.

TED Talks have been a huge inspiration.  There are hundred of videos of people who share their ideas, visions, and movements.  It’s inspiring to see other people so inspired.  Just seeing them speak about what excites them gets me wanting to share with you everything that it excites me.

Hopefully I’m doing the same thing, TED Talks does for me, by showing how much I embrace my concept of ‘Build a Ku Body‘.  I honestly believe if more and more people join this movement to build a Ku Body by giving Aloha and living Pono – you will live such an amazing meaningful and fulfilling life.

Here are two TED Talks I want to share with you that get’s me pumped up and ready to make a difference in the world.  No matter how many times I watch them I still get inspired to continue on my mission to help you build a Ku body: physically, mentally, and spiritually.

To go along with my last post, 80% Hate Their Jobs, I want to share a TED Talk with Scott Dinsmore at TEDxGoldGatePark.  Scott’s mission in life is to help people live their legend by helping other build a career around the world only they can do.

I’m a big believer in becoming a great leader and figuring out what makes everyone tick. We all have a purpose in life and some need help figuring out exactly what that is. I came across Simon Sinek’s TED Talk and I was blown away. I even went out and bought his book, Start with Why, which also blew me away and made me think about where I am at in life.

Hey – Maybe one day you’ll see me on a TED Talk stage sharing my concept with the world to Build a Ku Body. Wouldn’t that be something? One day.

Mahalo. Aloha. A hui hou

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