Apr 222012

I find myself quite a bit on the social networks.  I’ve created a network of fitness and strength enthusiasts who are all in to training; be it to get strong, look better, become a better athlete, you name it.  Then there are those who simply have to share their mind make comments like:

-”Why does anyone want to make their body look like that?”
-”Eww..That’s gross.”
-”What’s the use of lifting heavy weights?”
-”Yea I’m cool, I lift weights and workout.” (sarcasm)

Dedication and Sacrifice for my first competition in bodybuilding, help me land my dream job.

No, I’m not a meathead although some may think I am because I basically live and breathe to workout.  Or maybe me not talking and socializing while I workout will make you think so as well.  But I will agree, there are others out there that do ruin it for the rest of us.  They have to make themselves feel much bigger and powerful than they really are because deep down inside their actually very insecure. Or they fell like they have to make loud noises and talk down to others to make sure people know they have balls between their legs.

Those types of people are all training for the wrong reason.  They make the gym define who they are.  I’m not that jackass that walks around the gym with a cut-off shirt all the way down the side (by the way, when did that shit start? Where a damn shirt) walking around as if his chest is filled with air and his lats are soo frickin’ big.

The first thing these people want you know about them is that they workout.  Don’t be surprised if a meathead blatantly comes out and say, “Yea, I workout a little,” while he flexes his traps.

I don’t like walking around telling the world that I workout.  When you see me, it’ll be obvious that I don’t sit on the couch and eat ding dongs and ho-hos and get excited to eat pizza at Planet Fitness.  I don’t workout to impress or make people feel bad for their fitness and dietary choices.  Do what ever you like.  If you are happy, go for it.

But for me, lifting weights is just part what I do.  Yes I want a good looking powerful healthy body.  But not to show it off and be like “Hey, look at my muscles!”

Why do I really workout? Because it’s the one thing I can fully control.  It’s my body.  Others decided to break it down and abuse it.  I’ve decided to build it up and take care of it.

Training in the gym is a reflection of what I can accomplish in life.  If I’m succeeding in the gym and reaching my goals, then there is no reason I can’t apply the same determination and dedication to every aspect of my life.


2 Responses to “Yes, I Workout. So What? (Quick Rant)”

  1. “Why do I really workout? Because it’s the one thing I can fully control. It’s my body. Others decided to break it down and abuse it. I’ve decided to build it up and take care of it.”

    Nice quote ;)

  2. Thanks man..plain and simple

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