I’ve been following Joel Runyon of ImpossibleHQ, and I find what he does truly inspiring. So instead of settling what I view as comfortable, I decided to follow his advice and make my very own list of impossible things.
It’s time to challenge myself and put it out there. This is a list of things that I thought I could’t do because 1) I was afraid to 2) I didn’t know how to, but overall 3) I thought it was impossible.
This is my list of impossible things. Feel free to follow my journey by subscribing in the form in the right sidebar.
The Aipa Project’s Impossible List
Compete in a bodybuilding competition[4/18/2011]
- Compete in a powerlifting competition
- Run a Tough Mudder or Spartan Race
- Get a six pack and do a photoshoot
- Get a cover on a Muscle or Fitness Magazine
- Have a spread in a muscle or fitness magazine
- Be a speaker at an NSCA Conference
- Run a 5k
- Run a 10k
- Run a marathon
- Participate in a Triathlon
- Do a planche push-up (5)
- Do a muscle up (10)
- 30 Consecutive Pull-ups
- 100 Consecutive Push-ups
- Bench Press 405
- Squat 500
- Deadlift 550
- Become a fitness professional (bodybuilding, physique, etc.)
- Decrease the obesity and health related diseases in Hawaii especially amongst Native Hawaiians
- Help 1,000 people achieve their fitness and health goals
- Create the Aipa Foundation to support health and fitness in communities
- Renovate the Aipa Family home
- Become Olohe Lua
- Own agricultural land and farm produce
- Do a round the world trip with my wife
Drive across the country[twice in 2011]- Visit:
Japan[2009], New Zealand, Australia, France, Italy, Tahiti, Fiji, China, Korea, Greece,New York[2010], Thailand, Easter Island,Washington DC[2010], Bali more to come…
- Visit all 50 States
- Visit all Hawaiian Islands – Ni’ihau, Kaua’i,
Oahu, Lana’i,Moloka’i,Kaho’olawe,Maui,Big Island
Become a Head Strength and Conditioning Coach- Start a Health and Fitness Magazine for Hawaii
Have my own strength coach/personal training businessMake The Aipa Project into a business- Speak at a Fortune 50 Company
- Speak at a TEDxTalk
- Start an apparel line
Write an ebook[Aloha To You - 05/13]Publish a real physical book[Aloha To You - 12/13]- Open a top ranked gym in the nation
- Create a million dollar company
- Spread the teachings of Aloha and Building a Ku Body to 1 million people
- Start a successful blog
- 1,000 subscribers
- 5,000 subscribers
- 10,000 subscribers
- 20,000 subscribers
- 50,000 subscribers
More will be added to the list as I think of more, but it’s a start. The Challenge is accepted. What’s your impossible list?